Chapter 8. Putting It All Together: Data Processing and Counting Recommender

Now that we have discussed the broad outline of recommender systems, this chapter will put it into a concrete implementation so that we can talk about the choices of technologies and specifics of how the implementation works in real life.

This chapter covers the following topics:

  • Data representation with protocol buffers

  • Data processing frameworks

  • A PySpark sample program

  • GloVE embedding model

  • Additional foundational techniques in JAX, Flax, and Optax

We will show step-by-step how to go from a downloaded Wikipedia dataset to a recommender system that can recommend words from Wikipedia based on the co-occurrence with words in a Wikipedia article. We use a natural language example because words are easily understood, and their relationships are readily grasped because we can see that related words occur near one another in a sentence. Furthermore, the Wikipedia corpus is easily downloadable and browsable by anyone with an internet connection. This idea of co-occurrence can be generalized to any co-occurring collection of items, such as watching a video in the same session or purchasing cheeses in the same shopping bag.

This chapter will demonstrate concrete implementations of an item-item and a feature-item recommender. Items in this case are the words in an article, and the features are word-count similarity—a MinHash or a kind of locality sensitive hash for words. Chapter 16 covers locality ...

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