Paginating in the Database
As usual, we start with adding the new functionality to our Meerkats context. Open up lib/meow/meerkats.ex and add the following code:
| def list_meerkats_with_total_count(opts) do |
| query = from(m in Meerkat) |> filter(opts) |
| |
| total_count = Repo.aggregate(query, :count) |
| |
| result = |
| query |
| |> sort(opts) |
| |> paginate(opts) |
| |> Repo.all() |
| |
| %{meerkats: result, total_count: total_count} |
| end |
| |
| defp paginate(query, %{page: page, page_size: page_size}) |
| when is_integer(page) and is_integer(page_size) do |
| offset = max(page - 1, 0) * page_size |
| |
| query |
| |> limit(^page_size) |
| |> offset(^offset) |
| end |
| |
| defp paginate(query, _opts), do: query |
As you can see, we create a new
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