Creating the LiveView

Let’s create a new LiveView for implementing the infinity scrolling logic. Create a new file at lib/meow_web/live/infinity_live.ex and add the following code to it:

 defmodule​ MeowWeb.InfinityLive ​do
 use​ MeowWeb, ​:live_view
  alias Meow.Meerkats
 def​ render(assigns) ​do
  <tbody id="meerkats"
  <%= for meerkat <- @meerkats do %>
  <tr id={"meerkat-#{}"}>
  <td><%= %></td>
  <td><%= %></td>
  <% end %>

Let’s have a look at the render/1 function. It generates a HEEx template, which displays a simple table that renders our ...

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