© Nicolas Modrzyk 2019
Nicolas ModrzykBuilding Telegram Botshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4197-4_1

1. Week 1: Ruby

Nicolas Modrzyk1 
Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

Mindful Monday Humans, may your coffee kick in before reality does.

Napz Cherub Pellazo

Ruby took the world by storm a while ago, owing to the ease and concision of the code you can write with it. Most programmers have a sweet spot for Ruby, and when their shell scripts and day-to-day lives get too messy, they are usually very quick to switch to Ruby.

This first chapter is a bit special, because on top of creating a client for our bot, I must also introduce you to how to create the bot itself. Throughout the book, this first bot will be reused at will, although, of course, the same steps ...

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