© Philip Japikse, Kevin Grossnicklaus, Ben Dewey 2020
P. Japikse et al.Building Web Applications with .NET Core 2.1 and JavaScripthttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5352-6_8

8. Complete the Web Application with ASP.NET Core

Philip Japikse1 , Kevin Grossnicklaus2 and Ben Dewey3
West Chester, OH, USA
Ellisville, MO, USA
Charleston, SC, USA

In this final chapter on .NET Core, we take a deep look into ASP.NET Core Views, View Components, and Tag Helpers as you complete the user interface for the SpyStore Web application.

Introducing the “V” in ASP.NET Core

When building ASP.NET Core services, only the “M” (Models) and the “C” (Controllers) of the MVC pattern are used. The user interface is created using the “V”, or the Views of the MVC pattern. ...

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