Chapter 1: HTML: What It Is, Why You Need It, and How to Get It

In This Chapter

check.png The foundational role of HTML in web design

check.png Using an HTML editor

check.png Getting HTML from just about anything

check.png Building a basic HTML page

The technology, and the terminology, of web design evolves at a dizzying pace. Last year’s content management system (CMS) vanishes into the cloud (applications, services, and data stored and accessed from the web instead of your own computer). Page layout is managed not with tables (grids of columns and rows) but CSS DIV tags (special design rules in a style sheet file). Flash (a technology for presenting video, animation, and interactivity) ruled the web once upon a time, and then it faded. WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editors generate web pages from graphical interfaces without the need for coding. And yet, as much as web design continues to evolve, HTML — HyperText Markup Language — remains a foundation of web design. As such, if you want to understand how web pages are built, HTML is your starting point.

HTML is the most essential and fundamental element in creating ...

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