Chapter 1: Web Media 101
In This Chapter:
Understanding graphics for the web
Finding inspiration
Dealing with copyrights
Using web-friendly media
Including readable fonts
Adding clip art
Back in the Jurassic era of the web, it was indeed a dark and dreary place. Websites were text only, and the web was accessed through a dial-up modem. In short, the World Wide Web was a wonderful place for geeks with pocket protectors and eyeglasses patched together with duct tape, but not a very friendly place for the average person. Then, with the advent of faster computers, lightning-fast Internet connections, and monitors that rival television monitors, the Internet blossomed with colorful graphics, audio, and video. Photographers, artists, and musicians were able to strut their stuff on the net. Graphics online became the norm.
Pretty graphics aren’t the only thing you can put on your web page, ...