Chapter 4: Working with Forms and Data in Dreamweaver
In This Chapter
Form validation with JavaScript
Creating forms in Dreamweaver
Using Spry widgets for form validation
Generating mobile-friendly form fields
Dreamweaver fills two valuable roles in the process of collecting data in forms. One role is pretty much the same role Dreamweaver plays in web design in general: It allows you to quickly and efficiently generate all the HTML and PHP that we explore in the first three chapters of this minibook.
Even more valuable, though, are the Spry form tools built into Dreamweaver that allow you to generate JavaScript-based widgets that enhance the interactivity and usefulness of forms. These include validation scripts, and as of Dreamweaver CS6 (and CS5.5), special form fields that work well in mobile devices.
Scripting PHP in Dreamweaver
If you plan to work with PHP in Dreamweaver at the level we explore it in Chapter 2 of this mini-book, here are a few things you should know.
First, remember that Dreamweaver provides the same professional level of code hinting for PHP that it does for ...