© Dan Hermes 2019
Dan Hermes and Nima MazloumiBuilding Xamarin.Forms Mobile Apps Using XAMLhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4030-4_5

5. User Interaction Using Controls

Dan Hermes1  and Nima Mazloumi2
Boston, MA, USA
San Francisco, CA, USA

Users choose dates, times, text, integers, doubles, and other values on mobile devices by using tactile controls. Touch-sensitive screens have user interaction that differs slightly from mouse-driven UIs: most is done with the thumbs and forefingers on the touchscreen. From the user’s standpoint, this results in a hands-on control-panel interface with switches, icons, sliders, keyboards, and pickers that sometimes look—but, more important, feel—like physical mechanisms.

Chapter 1 covered some of the basic ...

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