Built-In Social: Essential Social Marketing Practices for Every Small Business

Book description

How to redesign your business for social relevance and profitable success

Marketing today is driven by the customer. The old mindset was finding customers for your products and services. The new one is collaborating with the customers whose trust you have earned to develop better products and services for them. Businesses that succeed today acknowledge that they are in shared relationships with customers, employees, and other influencers in the community—even competitors. Built-In Social provides a step-by-step approach to building a business channel that aligns your business with its ideal customers and ensures your organization's continued relevance and success.

  • Intended for mainstream businesses that want to get results from social media networking and marketing but have been frustrated by the obstacles, namely, the lack of a basic method or structure (and a practical step-by-step approach) for converting relevant social qualities into profitable outcomes

  • Author Jeff Korhan is a speaker, trainer, and coach helping mainstream small businesses increase their influence, enhance customer relationships, and accelerate growth

Built-In Social will show you how to turn visibility, authenticity, accessibility, community, and relevance into measurable and profitable gains.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Contents
  3. Title
  4. Copyright
  5. Dedication
  6. Preface
  7. Introduction
  8. Part One: Attraction: Your Essential Content Marketing Strategy
    1. Chapter 1: How the Social Web Works
      1. Social Marketing is a Process
      2. Search Drives the Web
      3. Search Engine Optimization for Regular People
      4. Freshness and Authority for Relevance and Influence
      5. Facebook and the Wisdom of Friends
      6. Social Graphs—The Secret You Need to Know
    2. Chapter 2: Designing Your Business Around Social
      1. Apple Retail Stores
      2. Influencers are Your Allies
      3. The Influence of Social Media
      4. Social Creates Expectations
      5. Consumers Have a Voice
      6. Customer Service is Moving Online
      7. Social Objects
      8. Sustaining a Business in the Trust Economy
      9. Getting Customers to Know Your Business
      10. Likeable is for Brands; Friendly is for Businesses
      11. Business in the Trust Economy
    3. Chapter 3: Every Business Is Now a Media Company
      1. Marketers are Now Teachers
      2. Building the Classroom
      3. Evergreen Content Curriculum
      4. Your Collective Business Channel
      5. Thinking Like a Media Company
      6. Provide Valuable Programming
      7. Engage the Community
      8. How Blogging Makes Your Business Better
      9. How to Start Blogging
      10. Website Architecture for Your Content
      11. The Responsibilities of a Media Company
  9. Part Two: Engagement: Social Networking and Marketing
    1. Chapter 4: Communities Are the New Markets
      1. The Community Ecosystem
      2. When the Business is the Community
      3. The Social Business Model
      4. Social Entrepreneurship
      5. The Cure Starts Now
      6. Each Social Channel is a Distinct Community
      7. Little Things Often Matter The Most
      8. Facebook
      9. Linkedin
      10. Twitter
      11. Google+
      12. Your Blog
      13. Sustainable Business is the By-Product of Engaged Communities
      14. Digital Social Signals
      15. Customers Lead Market Changes
    2. Chapter 5: Meet Your New Business Partners
      1. Cooperation in the Connection Economy
      2. Collaboration Makes Everyone Better
      3. Business Partnering is the New Leadership
      4. Give Them Something to Talk About
      5. From Product to Community Management
      6. Community Management Responsibilities
    3. Chapter 6: Business Is Now Personal
      1. Personalization Makes Your Business Memorable
      2. Local Business Leaders are Trusted Celebrities
      3. The Facebook Generation Effect
      4. Connected Micro-Community Networks
      5. The Trend Toward Open Access
      6. Collaboration is the New Marketing
      7. Being a Likeable Business
  10. Part Three: Conversion: transforming Trust into New Business
    1. Chapter 7: Social and Local are Built-In Mobile
      1. Mobile Means Business
      2. Mobile is Attention
      3. How is Your Business Adapting to Mobile?
      4. Merging the Virtual and Physical Worlds
      5. Practical Uses of QR Codes for Business
      6. Mobile Cloud Computing
      7. Mobile Responsive Websites
      8. Local is Context
      9. The Context of Time and Place
      10. Take Your Audience on a Journey
      11. Social is Influence
      12. Social Creates Alignment
      13. Your Mobile Strategy
    2. Chapter 8: Creating Digital Marketing Assets
      1. Content is Always an Asset
      2. Digital Content Marketing Assets
      3. Websites, Blogs, and E-Mail Newsletters—The Three Essential Digital Business Assets
      4. Blogs Versus Websites—The Real Difference
      5. Advantages of a Blog as Your Social Media Hub
      6. The Art of E-Mail Marketing
      7. Making the Most of Your Digital Assets
      8. Know Your Audience
      9. Establish Expectations
      10. Keep Raising the Bar
      11. Secure Your Assets
      12. Be Ready to PIVOT
    3. Chapter 9: Relationship Selling in the Trust Economy
      1. The Sales Process
      2. Your Front-Stage Process
      3. Your Backstage Process
      4. Name Your Process
      5. Sales and Marketing Congruency
      6. Your Company Wants the Business
      7. You Can Handle the Business
      8. They Will Enjoy Working With You
      9. Relationship Selling Practices
      10. Designing Your Sales Process
      11. Design Your Process Around the New Customer
    4. Chapter 10: Avoiding the Race to the Bottom
      1. Just Show Up
      2. Your Work is Never Done
      3. How This Works
      4. Press Publish
      5. Enjoy the Process
  11. Appendix
  12. Acknowledgments
  13. Index

Product information

  • Title: Built-In Social: Essential Social Marketing Practices for Every Small Business
  • Author(s): Jeff Korhan
  • Release date: April 2013
  • Publisher(s): Wiley
  • ISBN: 9781118529744