the phone versus over the Web, with telephone call center agents
unable to provide the $100 cheaper tickets that are quoted on a Web
site that will not complete the final booking.
Simply stated, M-Business will challenge customer relationship
management systems. They will have to not only adapt the presenta-
tion layer to present content in the appropriate manner for a variety
of devices, but these systems will also have to become more intelligent.
They will have to know exactly what information to collect from the
customer and understand all the permutations about the information
and transactional requests being conducted. There is still a tremen-
dous way to go here. Even Web applications have a long way to go.
To give an example, how many airline Web applications can allow
you to book travel that is made up of part frequent flyer mileage and
part paid travel? These simple scenarios often mean the customer is
forced to resort to regular telephone calls with an agent or agents.
Providing Intelligent Customer Service
Despite the challenges of adding further intelligence into customer
relationship management applications, especially those enabled via
M-Business, the opportunities for increased customer satisfaction,
increased revenues, and reduced costs are tremendous.
M-Business technologies provide a way for the enterprise to take
a more proactive stance regarding the customer relationships. Instead
of waiting for a call to customer sales or service and telling the cus-
tomer what they cannot do, the enterprise can now contact the cus-
tomer and tell them what they can do. M-Business-enabled CRM is all
about becoming more pro-active in your communications with your
customers and often turning customer service and support interac-
tions into new ways to deepen the customer relationship. Moreover, it
allows one to find new sales opportunities via personalized, time, and
location-aware interactions.
Intelligent M-Business devices may well be able to communicate
not only with the customer, but with his or her surroundings and his
or her surrounding products. Thus, an intelligent device with a soft-
ware agent running on behalf of a manufacturing company could
detect the devices within the personal area network of the customer,
perform a health-check on the devices, and contact customer support
if anything is detected to be out of the specified tolerance limits. This
Chapter 4 Process Models and Applications for M-Business Agility >> 107

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