Chapter 7

Mentoring to Assess Business without Rose-tinted Spectacles

In This Chapter

arrow Seeing the business as it is

arrow Defining the elements of the business

arrow Understanding complexity and strategy

arrow Creating trust in the mentoring relationship

arrow Maintaining the boundary between mentoring and advising

G inni Rometty, the first female CEO and president of IBM, tells a story about being successful and relates her success to learning and taking risks. She describes risk-taking as the times when she learned the most; when she has been in the zone of not knowing, it has kept her fresh and on form. She says, ‘Someone once told me growth and comfort do not co-exist. And I think it’s a really good thing to remember’.

So do we, because successful business leaders are not created by sitting on the sidelines watching others. They’re created when they move towards complexity and uncertainty and know at some level that being able to work with ambiguity is the real work of a strategist.

Without a high level ...

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