Oral Communication

“Mend your speech a little, Lest you may mar your fortunes.”


William Shakespeare


In the final year of their B.Com., Rakesh and Suresh decided to appear for the GMAT. One afternoon, they planned to go to the American Center to collect some information on the exam. But one of their seniors advised Rakesh that it would be better to go to the American Education Center on Hailey Road instead. Accordingly, Rakesh asked Suresh to meet him at “AEC” at 3 p.m. As they were talking over the phone, Suresh heard him say “AC” (for American Center), which is on Kasturba Gandhi Marg. When Suresh tried to confirm, Rakesh, repeated, “Yes, AEC.”

Rakesh reached the AEC at the appointed time, but did not see Suresh ...

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