
Page numbers followed by f denote figures. Those followed by t denote tables.


ABACUS 2007-AC1, 246–250

ABM Security Services, 469

Abrams, Thomas, 334

absolutists, 69

ACA Management LLC, 246–247

Ackman, Dan, 496

act-based utilitarianism, 59

Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), 460

acute crisis, 149

Adelphia Communications Corp., 212

Adler, Nancy, 553


alcohol, 288–289

arguments for and against, 278–279

to children, 285–286, 537

corporation’s ethical responsibilities in, 275–276

enforcement of, 281

ethical considerations in, 276–277

Federal Trade Commission monitoring, 277

free speech in, 280–281

industry and money spent on, 276f

on internet, 282–283

law principles in, 284–285

moral responsibility continuum in, 281–282

product ...

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