Chapter 4. Planning a Business Intelligence Competency Center: Using the Information Evolution Model


In Chapter 1, we talked about the Business Intelligence strategy that the Business Intelligence Competency Center should drive forward. However, for the BICC to do that, first the strategy has to be identified and planned.

It makes sense to start with an analysis of the current and future BI requirements in the organization. This analysis should not focus on systems and technology alone. It should also examine the people using the information, the processes that support them, and the "information culture" in the organization.

A comprehensive BI strategy assessment is a must before a BICC can be established. Such an assessment will provide the BICC with a "legitimized" mandate that comes from the individuals it intends to serve—the business users. Involving the business will also greatly facilitate buy-in for the BICC when it is up and running.

Instead of restricting the analysis to the management level, obtain a view from various levels in the organization, as well as from the various business functions, to examine how information currently is used and where improvement is necessary. Taking this step will give you a comprehensive inventory of shortcomings that obviously need to be evaluated and prioritized.

Note: The BI requirements of an organization are subject to constant change. The changes are driven largely by fluctuating business requirements. Therefore, an organization ...

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