About the Authors

About the Authors

Gloria J. Miller, Vice President, Professional Services Division, SAS International, heads the international Professional Services Division at SAS, is the executive manager for the development of SAS Industry Intelligence Solutions, and is on the board of directors of SAS Global Services. Throughout her career of more than 18 years in the information technology industry, Miller has received accolades for her skills in the management and delivery of IT systems and programs and in software development and support.

She holds a master's degree in Business Administration from Bowie State University in Bowie, Maryland, and a Bachelor of Science degree from Augusta State University in Augusta, Georgia.

About the Authors

Dagmar Bräutigam, Professional Services Program Manager, SAS International, has led the development of the Business Intelligence Competency Center Program and the Information Evolution Assessment Service. Based in Heidelberg, Germany, she is responsible for creating, developing, and rolling out SAS' education and consulting programs and services for the SAS Europe, Middle East, and Africa and the Asia/Pacific regions. Bräutigam studied translation sciences in Heidelberg, London, and Geneva, and holds a degree from Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg.

Dr. Stefanie V. Gerlach ...

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