Chapter 1

Gearing Up for Meetings and Events


Bullet Deciding whether a meeting or event is necessary

Bullet Inviting the right participants

Bullet Determining meeting length and location

Bullet Asking for planning assistance

Business meetings and events can be a total waste of time, or they can be powerful and productive communication tools that solve problems, stimulate ideas, promote team spirit, and generate action. The end results lie totally in how they’re run. People expect efficiency when they are called to a meeting or when they are participating in a multi-session event. They want to get back to their “real” work as quickly as possible, yet come away from the meeting or event feeling that they made solid connections, were heard, or learned something useful.

Having experienced the wonderful sense of satisfaction from productive sessions, as well as the frustration and anger from ineffective sessions, I believe the key to success lies in preparation and organization, as well as the actual meeting management. In this chapter, I encourage you to make thoughtful choices about when to hold ...

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