Chapter 12

Working with Vendors


Bullet Finding, interviewing, and evaluating a vendor

Bullet Considering industry-specific issues

Outsourcing can be a lifesaver for the busy meeting planner. Caterers, florists, and many other vendors and service providers are just waiting to help with your next event.

Although turning over the responsibility for part of your event to outside contractors may be nerve-racking, what would you do without their help? Without a caterer, would you consider cooking lunch for meeting participants yourself? I know I wouldn’t! With companies vying for your business, you have little reason to worry about finding vendors. By making some intelligent choices when you hire your contractors, you can rest easy knowing that you’ve placed some of the responsibility for your meeting’s success in dependable hands.

Most meeting and event planners rely on a network of vendors and service providers that they develop relationships with over time. Whether you’re just starting out or already have some event planning experience, this chapter gives you some helpful tips on choosing the best product and service suppliers. It also gives you an overview of the types of contractors available to assist you, some of whom you may not have known existed.

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