Chapter 23

Ten Top Negotiating Tactics


Bullet Preparing before you bargain

Bullet Saying the right words at the right time

Bullet Knowing when to pick up and leave

Master the art of negotiating and you master the ability to get almost everything you want!

Negotiating is considered the number one business skill, and it’s one that people use daily. However, some do it better than others. What does it take to become a negotiating whiz? The ten tactics in this chapter can definitely catapult you in the right direction to negotiate the best deals for your meeting or event.

Knowing What You Want

Skilled negotiators start with a detailed plan of exactly what they want from their negotiations. Why defy what works? Take plenty of time to thoroughly understand what you want and need from the potential supplier. Formulate lists of items that you’re willing to compromise and concede if necessary. Know your budgetary constraints and how they can affect your discussions.

Doing Your Research

Doing research is a key strategy in your negotiating arsenal. Find out as much as you possibly can about your potential supplier. Know what your business is worth to them. Understand their business — the peaks ...

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