Identify Your Career Purpose


Adrian Haines believes in the power of the past. He holds a Master of Science in medieval history and has worked in or with museums for most of his professional life. Five years ago, he moved to the suburbs of Amsterdam for a dream job: helping a publisher of historical books conceive and create new titles under partnerships with museum curators and librarians. But as time passed, two things made Adrian realize he needed to reinvent his career.

First, he'd grown frustrated with his employer's reluctance to embrace digital publications and social media. Second, his wife missed living in the city and was eager to move back.

Adrian learned that a large national library was accepting applications for a “digitization project leader.” Adrian sensed the position was an excellent match for his background and interests, but believed he lacked the management skills needed to work for a larger, more bureaucratic organization. So he consulted Forum member Mark Nieuwenhuizen for help reconceiving his personal business model.

Mark's first observation was that Adrian was too focused on details, specifically whether he had the professional and managerial skills needed to execute the job. So Mark suggested Adrian focus on his Purpose and Value Provided.

After some consideration, Adrian recognized that his Value Provided — and his true passion — was “rescuing ...

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