Chapter 7
Making Connections in Open Networking
In This chapter
Getting the best from open networking events
Identifying who you can approach
Choosing your opener – what to say
Understanding basic body language – and using it to your advantage
Alot of local events and ‘sponsored’ networking events are likely to be open, which means that they lack a formal structure.
Many people find these events intimidating but, with a bit of preparation, you can find it possible (and even easy) to network effectively – developing new contacts as you go.
In this chapter, I give you techniques and strategies to use in open networking environments wherever you may find them.
Understanding Open Networking
For me, the most frightening part of networking has always been the ‘open’ networking events, and the open networking part of many of the structured events. In short, open networking is simply networking without a structure. Think of open networking as a drinks party but with the goal of introducing yourself to other business people.
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