Chapter 19
Revisiting Your Approach
In This chapter
Figuring out what to do if networking isn’t working out
Solving networking issues
Recognising when networking is working even when you think it isn’t
So you’ve put on your best networking smile, delivered a winning introduction, done the ten-minute slot, repeated the process several times and still nothing. Not a bite. Not one person interested in your product or service. Don’t give up! In this chapter, I give you some strategies to make your networking efforts a success.
I look at what to do if you think that it isn’t working. Some points revisit the obvious and some help you rethink how you’re using networking.
Using Networking as a Sounding Board
Some of the biggest value I get from networking is the feedback I receive, both asked for and forced upon me, from the people in my networking circles.
In fact, the opportunity to be with a group of trusted and friendly people to use as a test-bed and sounding board and to get feedback from about what you’re doing in a non-‘mission critical’ environment would be valuable on its own, without all the other benefits that networking brings.
I work alongside people who are good enough to tell ...
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