Chapter 18. Ten Questions to Ask About Your Plan

In This Chapter

  • Looking over what you've done

  • Making the necessary changes

It never hurts to step back every once in a while and take stock of where you stand. With that in mind, we've filled this chapter with all sorts of questions to mull over before you share your business plan with the world.

Are Your Goals Tied to Your Mission?

Look at the goals that you set for your business. These goals are the results that you absolutely, positively intend to achieve, and to a large extent, these goals determine how you set priorities and how you run your business. Your goals have to be consistent with one another so that you're not running in different directions at the same time. In addition, you have to tie your goals to your company's mission so that you're heading in the direction in which you really want to go.

Can You Point to Major Opportunities?

If you want your business to grow and prosper in the long haul, you have to take advantage of opportunities as they come along. Your business plan should point out the major opportunities that you see heading your way (in technology, markets, and distribution, for example) and outline the actions that your company intends to take now so as to be in a position to take advantage of those opportunities down the road.

Have You Prepared for Threats?

It's easy to paint a rosy picture of what the future holds for your company, but having a rosy picture doesn't necessarily mean that it's going to come true. ...

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