Chapter 20

Ten (Or So) Business-Planning Never-Evers


check Reviewing the pitfalls to watch out for

check Fixing mistakes made in your plans

check Including planning tasks you’ve neglected

This chapter lists ten (or so) of those easy-to-make, “I can’t believe I did that” planning miscues. We list them so that you have a better chance of not making these mistakes yourself. But if you happen to make them anyway, at least you know that you’re not alone.

Failing to Plan in the First Place

We’re probably preaching to the choir here, because you’re already reading this book. But neglecting to plan is a business sin so grave that it always merits a short sermon. Planning isn’t easy. After all, you don’t come across any right or wrong answers, and nothing’s guaranteed. But the planning process leaves your company better prepared to face an uncertain future.

Although a business plan may not solve all your problems, it helps. Planning makes you a better manager and makes your company, no matter how large or small, more competitive and more likely to succeed over the long haul. And in case you need a cross-reference to a chapter with more information on the business plan, we suggest you read, ...

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