A posteriori comparisons, 424

A priori comparisons, 424

Addition laws. See also Probability

demonstration problem, 111113, 115

general, 109

probability matrices, 110114

special, 114115

Adjusted coefficient of multiple determination, 539540

After-process quality control, 737

Alpha, 304, 328, 436, 667

Alternative hypotheses. See also Hypotheses; Null hypotheses

defined, 298

examples, 298299

in randomized block design, 433

rejection region and, 328

Analysis errors, 233

Analysis of variance (ANOVA), 408467

assumptions, 415

computation, 415

computer use, 466467

database analysis, 464465

defined, 411

ethical considerations, 459

experimental design and, 410412

formulas, 460461

multiple comparison tests, 424432

one-way, 412423

randomized block design and, 432442

summary, 459460

tree diagram, 410

two-way, 442457

ANOVA. see Analysis of variance

Arithmetic mean

defined, 55, 89

sum of deviations from, 64


addition of independent variables, 633634

defined, 630

Durbin-Watson test, 631

first-differences approach, 634

overcoming, 633634

in regression analysis, 630, 631

summary, 646

variable transformation, 634


defined, 634

example, 634, 635

model, 634

summary, 646647

uses, 634

Averaging models

defined, 609

moving averages, 609613

simple average model, 609


Backward elimination. See also Search procedures

defined, 578

full model, 579

predictors, 579

Bar charts

defined, 32

Excel, 32, 50

horizontal, 32

illustrated, 33

Minitab, 51

vertical, ...

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