Chapter 4. Taking Control with the Central Management Console

In This Chapter

  • Getting to know the BusinessObjects security model

  • Managing users

  • Using groups (to make your life easier)

  • Getting personal with profiles

BusinessObjects XI Release 2, as you may have noticed, provides a pretty complex suite of reporting, query and analysis, and performance-management tools. Such a broad range of products clearly has to cater to the needs of a variety of different user profiles, while at the same time handling security and access rights that become ever more complex as your system grows.

Fortunately, the suite comes with a tool designed to help you (or your system administrator) face up to all this complexity — straight from an easy-to-use Web interface. That tool is the Central Management Console (CMC), and this chapter takes a look at how it works.

Knowing Your Rights: The BusinessObjects Security Model

Before you dive straight in to the workings of the Central Management Console (CMC), you need a clear understanding of the BusinessObjects XI R2 security model and how it lets you manage what users can and cannot do.

Objects, groups, and users

Three key concepts you need to retain when thinking about the BusinessObjects security model are objects, groups, and users. Sure, these names may be familiar to you from other contexts, but it’s still worth reviewing their usage in the BusinessObjects system:

Objects: Objects lie at the heart of the BusinessObjects system. They gave their name not only to ...

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