Chapter 6. Redefining Balance

Reasonably, this chapter could be construed as prophetic in nature, but it is required because a balanced mind promotes emotional freedom. This is our first building block. Emotional freedom opens the doors to a proactive approach toward investments, and that furthers our journey toward the comfort zone. In direct relation, a healthy mind and a healthy body are also integral to a proactive investment competence.

Early in this book, I referenced Deepak Chopra and his teaching of Perfect Health. At first glance the subject of personal health and investment strategy may seem divergent, but a second glance reveals much more. Over time, I have grown to appreciate the coincidences that shape the world in which I live. Although the Chopra Center would argue that coincidences are a fallacy, I still respect the recognition of synchronicities. Indeed, things happen for a reason, and those can reshape our lives if we recognize them. More definitively, I will explain how I have reshaped select and revered coincidences into sentiment indicators that help me determine market direction over time as well. Eventually, these have become very important to me, and they influence my ability to see the economy in a clear light. In any case, I have also identified similarities between the teachings of the Chopra Center and my promotion of proactive trading strategies. Those twists of fate have redefined the use of the word balance in my financial capacity, and that notion ...

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