Chapter 1. Why "Buy Now"?
When choosing a name for this book it was important for us to grab your attention and communicate to you two things: One, you have a strong need for something. Two, we can fulfill it. That's a hard thing to do in the brevity of a book cover, yet you did pick up the book with some degree of interest. We would like to think that we stacked the deck a little in our favor to get you to take that action. We did, in fact. In the context of this book, we'll tell you how and why; better, we'll teach you how to do it.
Understand that we are interested in your success. Most folks want to hold something that is uniquely theirs alone, a secret. We don't have a secret. The fact is, there is not one; there are many. What this book will give you is the ingredients; the secret ingredients, if you will. Every single person who has used these secrets has gained some measure of success. The key is not in the ingredients as much as in the cook. Certainly, the ingredients count; you, in fact, cannot make a success in this business without them. When you personally apply them, you bring the largest unknown quantity to the mix: the genius that is you.
This much we can tell you for sure. Direct marketing is a humbling experience. We highly recommend you bring a fair share of humility to it, or the business will provide it for you. The encouraging news is that all you need is just one hit. One at bat where you connect, and you can have the opportunity to be financially set for life—if ...
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