Conguration Management
in a BYOD Environment*
Conguration management (CM) provides the means to manage technology-
related processes in a structured, orderly, and productive manner, which
should be the fundamental focus of health information technology. As an
engineering discipline, CM provides a level of support, control, and service
to the health organization. CM is a support function in that it supports
the program, the corporation, and, in a number of situations, the patient
CM is a control function in that it controls specications, documents,
drawings, requirements, tools, soware, and other deliverables. It can also
be extended to include bring your own devices (BYODs) and the soware
that runs on these devices.
e process of CM has not really changed much during the past 20–30
years. However, the environment that CM operates within has changed
signicantly and is likely to continue to change. Over the past few
decades, we have migrated from centralized mainframes using just a few
programming languages such as COBOL and FORTRAN to decentral-
ized, networked environments with thousands of devices using hundreds
of soware packages/apps and dozens of programming languages. It is
also worthwhile to note that BYOD is not just a composite of hardware
devices and o-the-shelf applications. It can be expected that many orga-
nizations will create their own apps for use on these devices. us, CM
within the context of BYOD does require the management of both hard-
ware and soware.
is chapter is based on Keyes, J. (2004). Soware Conguration Management. Boca Raton, FL:
Auerbach Publications.
138 • BYOD for Healthcare
Regardless of this amazing diversity, the process of CM is basically
immutable, that is, the process does not change, only what is being man-
aged changes. is means that CM is as applicable to a mainframe shop
as it is to a shop supporting employees who bring their own devices. e
key is in the process.
Improvement depends on changing current processes along with
the accompanying environment. CM then provides the underlying
structure for change and process improvement. We refer to this as
process-based CM.
For example, the rst step to improve the product is to know how the
product is currently produced. e second step for improvement is to
foster an atmosphere in which change can be readily accommodated.
If change does not appear possible, improvement is also unlikely. CM
measurements of current practices and their associated metrics can help
identify where processes are working and where they need to be improved.
Such change eorts should lead to increased productivity, integrity, con-
formance, and customer satisfaction.
CM can be dened as the process of managing the full spectrum of an
organizations products, facilities, and processes by managing all require-
ments, including changes, and assuring that the results conform to these
requirements. By this denition, CM can also be called process CM
because it includes the process of managing an organizations processes
and procedures.
Many organizations can be characterized as level 1 organiza-
tions as dened in the Soware Engineering Institute’s Soware
Capability Maturity Model. ese level 1 organizations rely heav-
ilyonheroes” to accomplish the work. e organizations processes
are not documented, and few people know how the work is accom-
plished, how things are organized, and even where things might be
located. e process is characterized as ad hoc, and occasionally even
An eective CM program organizes all of this. Any changes, updates,
and additions are tracked and documented. Adhering to these policies

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