Chapter 1

Getting Started with Visual Studio


Bullet Surveying the available versions

Bullet Setting up Visual Studio

Bullet Understanding projects and solutions

Bullet Exploring the different types of projects

Writing applications using a text editor and then compiling them at the command line is a thing of the past. Today, you use an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), which is a program that provides a platform for development, to create C# applications. An IDE helps to make development easier.

Programmers who are used to starting with a blank screen and a command line often dismiss an IDE as a slow, bogged-down waste of time. However, Visual Studio really does make working with C# faster and more pleasant. It’s quick, easy to use, agile, and smart. If you’re truly determined to use a command-line interface, consider using a Read, Evaluate, Print, and Loop (REPL) environment such as CShell (, discussed in the “Using IDE alternatives” sidebar, later in this chapter.

True, you don't have to use an IDE to program, but if you’re going to use one, it should be Visual Studio. ...

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