Book description
Completely updated for C# 3.0 and the .NET 3.5 platform, the new edition of this bestseller offers more than 250 code recipes to common and not-so-common problems that C# programmers face every day. Every recipe in the book has been reconsidered with more than a third of them rewritten to take advantage of new C# 3.0 features. If you prefer solutions you can use today to general C# language instruction, and quick answers to theory, this is your book.
C# 3.0 Cookbook offers a new chapter on LINQ (language integrated query), plus two expanded chapters for recipes for extension methods, lambda functions, object initializers, new synchronization primitives and more. The new edition is also complemented by a public wiki, which not only includes all of the C# 2.0 recipes from the previous edition unchanged by the release of C# 3.0, but invites you to suggest better ways to solve those tasks.
Here are some of topics covered:
- Numeric data types and Enumerations
- Strings and characters
- Classes and structures
- Generics
- Collections
- Exception handling
- Delegates, events, and lambda expressions
- Filesystem interactions
- Web site access
- XML usage (including LINQ to XML, XPath and XSLT)
- Networking
- Threading
- Data Structures & Algorithms
Publisher resources
Table of contents
C# 3.0 Cookbook, 3rd Edition
- SPECIAL OFFER: Upgrade this ebook with O’Reilly
- A Note Regarding Supplemental Files
- 00.1. Who This Book Is For
- 00.2. What You Need to Use This Book
- 00.3. Platform Notes
- 00.4. How This Book Is Organized
- 00.5. What Was Left Out
- 00.6. Conventions Used in This Book
- 00.7. About the Code
- 00.8. Using Code Examples
- 00.9. Comments and Questions
- 00.10. Safari® Books Online
- 00.11. Acknowledgments
1. Language Integrated Query (LINQ)
- 1.0. Introduction
- 1.1. Query a Message Queue
- 1.2. Using Set Semantics with Data
- 1.3. Reuse Parameterized Queries with LINQ to SQL
- 1.4. Sort Results in a Culture-Sensitive Manner
- 1.5. Adding Functional Extensions for Use with LINQ
- 1.6. Query and Join Across Data Repositories
- 1.7. Querying Configuration Files with LINQ
- 1.8. Creating XML Straight from a Database
- 1.9. Being Selective About Your Query Results
- 1.10. Using LINQ with Collections That Don't Support IEnumerable<T>
2. Strings and Characters
- 2.0. Introduction
- 2.1. Determining the Kind of Character a Char Contains
- 2.2. Controlling Case Sensitivity When Comparing Two Characters
- 2.3. Finding the Location of All Occurrences of a String Within Another String
- 2.4. Controlling Case Sensitivity When Comparing Two Strings
- 2.5. Comparing a String to the Beginning or End of a Second String
- 2.6. Inserting Text into a String
- 2.7. Removing or Replacing Characters Within a String
- 2.8. Encoding Binary Data As Base64
- 2.9. Decoding a Base64-Encoded Binary
- 2.10. Converting a String Returned As a Byte[] Back into a String
- 2.11. Passing a String to a Method That Accepts Only a Byte[]
- 2.12. Converting Strings to Other Types
- 2.13. Creating a Delimited String
- 2.14. Extracting Items from a Delimited String
- 2.15. Iterating over Each Character in a String
- 2.16. Pruning Characters from the Head and/or Tail of a String
- 2.17. Testing a String for Null or Empty
- 2.18. Appending a Line
3. Classes and Structures
- 3.0. Introduction
- 3.1. Creating Union-Type Structures
- 3.2. Making a Type Sortable
- 3.3. Making a Type Searchable
- 3.4. Indirectly Overloading the +=, -=, /=, and *= Operators
- 3.5. Indirectly Overloading the &&, ||, and ?: Operators
- 3.6. Making Error-Free Expressions
- 3.7. Reducing Your Boolean Logic
- 3.8. Converting Between Simple Types in a Programming Language-Agnostic Manner
- 3.9. Determining When to Use the cast Operator, the as Operator, or the is Operator
- 3.10. Casting with the as Operator
- 3.11. Determining a Variable's Type with the is Operator
- 3.12. Returning Multiple Items from a Method
- 3.13. Parsing Command-Line Parameters
- 3.14. Initializing a Constant Field at Runtime
- 3.15. Building Cloneable Classes
- 3.16. Assuring an Object's Disposal
- 3.17. Disposing of Unmanaged Resources
- 3.18. Determining Where Boxing and Unboxing Occur
4. Generics
- 4.0. Introduction
- 4.1. Deciding When and Where to Use Generics
- 4.2. Understanding Generic Types
- 4.3. Replacing the ArrayList with Its Generic Counterpart
- 4.4. Replacing the Stack and Queue with Their Generic Counterparts
- 4.5. Using a Linked List
- 4.6. Creating a Value Type That Can Be Initialized to Null
- 4.7. Reversing the Contents of a Sorted List
- 4.8. Making Read-Only Collections the Generic Way
- 4.9. Replacing the Hashtable with Its Generic Counterpart
- 4.10. Using foreach with Generic Dictionary Types
- 4.11. Constraining Type Arguments
- 4.12. Initializing Generic Variables to Their Default Values
5. Collections
- 5.0. Introduction
- 5.1. Swapping Two Elements in an Array
- 5.2. Reversing an Array Quickly
- 5.3. Writing a More Flexible StackTrace Class
- 5.4. Determining the Number of Times an Item Appears in a List<T>
- 5.5. Retrieving All Instances of a Specific Item in a List<T>
- 5.6. Inserting and Removing Items from an Array
- 5.7. Keeping Your List<T> Sorted
- 5.8. Sorting a Dictionary's Keys and/or Values
- 5.9. Creating a Dictionary with Max and Min Value Boundaries
- 5.10. Storing Snapshots of Lists in an Array
- 5.11. Persisting a Collection Between Application Sessions
- 5.12. Testing Every Element in an Array or List<T>
- 5.13. Performing an Action on Each Element in an Array or List<T>
- 5.14. Creating a Read-Only Array or List<T>
6. Iterators, Partial Types, and Partial Methods
- 6.0. Introduction
- 6.1. Creating an lterator on a Generic Type
- 6.2. Creating an Iterator on a Nongeneric Type
- 6.3. Creating Custom Enumerators
- 6.4. Implementing Iterator Logic
- 6.5. Forcing an Iterator to Stop Iterating
- 6.6. Dealing with Finally Blocks and Iterators
- 6.7. Implementing Nested foreach Functionality in a Class
- 6.8. Organizing Your Interface Implementations
- 6.9. Generating Code That Is No Longer in Your Main Code Paths
- 6.10. Adding Hooks to Generated Entities
7. Exception Handling
- 7.0. Introduction
- 7.1. Knowing When to Catch and Rethrow Exceptions
- 7.2. Assuring Exceptions Are Not Lost When Using Finally Blocks
- 7.3. Handling Exceptions Thrown from Methods Invoked via Reflection
- 7.4. Preventing Unhandled Exceptions
- 7.5. Getting Exception Information
- 7.6. Getting to the Root of a Problem Quickly
- 7.7. Creating a New Exception Type
- 7.8. Obtaining a Stack Trace
- 7.9. Breaking on a First-Chance Exception
- 7.10. Handling Exceptions Thrown from an Asynchronous Delegate
- 7.11. Giving Exceptions the Extra Info They Need with Exception.Data
- 7.12. Dealing with Unhandled Exceptions in WinForms Applications
- 7.13. Dealing with Unhandled Exceptions in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) Applications
- 7.14. Analyzing Exceptions for Common Errors
8. Diagnostics
- 8.0. Introduction
- 8.1. Providing Fine-Grained Control over Debugging/ Tracing Output
- 8.2. Determining Whether a Process Has Stopped Responding
- 8.3. Using Event Logs in Your Application
- 8.4. Searching Event Log Entries
- 8.5. Watching the Event Log for a Specific Entry
- 8.6. Implementing a Simple Performance Counter
- 8.7. Enabling and Disabling Complex Tracing Code
- 8.8. Capturing Standard Output for a Process
- 8.9. Creating Custom Debugging Displays for Your Classes
9. Delegates, Events, and Lambda Expressions
- 9.0. Introduction
- 9.1. Controlling When and If a Delegate Fires Within a Multicast Delegate
- 9.2. Obtaining Return Values from Each Delegate in a Multicast Delegate
- 9.3. Handling Exceptions Individually for Each Delegate in a Multicast Delegate
- 9.4. Converting Delegate Invocation from Synchronous to Asynchronous
- 9.5. An Advanced Interface Search Mechanism
- 9.6. Observing Additions and Modifications to Dictionaries
- 9.7. Using Lambda Expressions
- 9.8. Set Up Event Handlers Without the Mess
- 9.9. Using Different Parameter Modifiers in Lambda Expressions
- 9.10. Using Closures in C#
- 9.11. Performing Multiple Operations on a List Using Functors
10. Regular Expressions
- 10.0. Introduction
- 10.1. Enumerating Matches
- 10.2. Extracting Groups from a MatchCollection
- 10.3. Verifying the Syntax of a Regular Expression
- 10.4. Quickly Finding Only the Last Match in a String
- 10.5. Augmenting the Basic String Replacement Function
- 10.6. Implementing a Better Tokenizer
- 10.7. Counting Lines of Text
- 10.8. Returning the Entire Line in Which a Match Is Found
- 10.9. Finding a Particular Occurrence of a Match
- 10.10. Using Common Patterns
- 11. Data Structures and Algorithms
12. Filesystem I/O
- 12.0. Introduction
- 12.1. Manipulating File Attributes
- 12.2. Renaming a File
- 12.3. Outputting a Platform-Independent EOL Character
- 12.4. Manipulating Directory Attributes
- 12.5. Renaming a Directory
- 12.6. Searching for Directories or Files Using Wildcards
- 12.7. Obtaining the Directory Tree
- 12.8. Parsing a Path
- 12.9. Parsing Paths in Environment Variables
- 12.10. Launching and Interacting with Console Utilities
- 12.11. Locking Subsections of a File
- 12.12. Waiting for an Action to Occur in the Filesystem
- 12.13. Comparing Version Information of Two Executable Modules
- 12.14. Querying Information for All Drives on a System
- 12.15. Compressing and Decompressing Your Files
13. Reflection
- 13.0. Introduction
- 13.1. Listing Referenced Assemblies
- 13.2. Listing Exported Types
- 13.3. Finding Overridden Methods
- 13.4. Finding Members in an Assembly
- 13.5. Determining and Obtaining Nested Types Within an Assembly
- 13.6. Displaying the Inheritance Hierarchy for a Type
- 13.7. Finding the Subclasses of a Type
- 13.8. Finding All Serializable Types Within an Assembly
- 13.9. Dynamically Invoking Members
- 13.10. Determining If a Type or Method Is Generic
- 13.11. Accessing Local Variable Information
- 13.12. Creating a Generic Type
14. Web
- 14.0. Introduction
- 14.1. Converting an IP Address to a Hostname
- 14.2. Converting a Hostname to an IP Address
- 14.3. Parsing a URI
- 14.4. Handling Web Server Errors
- 14.5. Communicating with a Web Server
- 14.6. Going Through a Proxy
- 14.7. Obtaining the HTML from a URL
- 14.8. Using the Web Browser Control
- 14.9. Tying Database Tables to the Cache
- 14.10. Prebuilding an ASP.NET Web SiteProgrammatically
- 14.11. Escaping and Unescaping Data for the Web
- 14.12. Using the UriBuilder Class
- 14.13. Inspect and Change Your Web Application Configuration
- 14.14. Using Cached Results When Working with HTTP for Faster Performance
- 14.15. Checking Out a Web Server's Custom Error Pages
15. xml
- 15.0. Introduction
- 15.1. Reading and Accessing XML Data in Document Order
- 15.2. Reading XML on the Web
- 15.3. Querying the Contents of an XML Document
- 15.4. Validating XML
- 15.5. Creating an XML Document Programmatically
- 15.6. Detecting Changes to an XML Document
- 15.7. Handling Invalid Characters in an XML String
- 15.8. Transforming XML
- 15.9. Tearing Apart an XML Document
- 15.10. Putting Together an XML Document
- 15.11. Validating Modified XML Documents Without Reloading
- 15.12. Extending Transformations
- 15.13. Getting Your Schemas in Bulk from Existing XML Files
- 15.14. Passing Parameters to Transformations
16. Networking
- 16.0. Introduction
- 16.1. Writing a TCP Server
- 16.2. Writing a TCP Client
- 16.3. Simulating Form Execution
- 16.4. Transferring Data via HTTP
- 16.5. Using Named Pipes to Communicate
- 16.6. Pinging Programmatically
- 16.7. Send SMTP Mail Using the SMTP Service
- 16.8. Use Sockets to Scan the Ports on a Machine
- 16.9. Use the Current Internet Connection Settings
- 16.10. Transferring Files Using FTP
17. Security
- 17.0. Introduction
- 17.1. Controlling Access to Types in a Local Assembly
- 17.2. Encrypting/Decrypting a String
- 17.3. Encrypting and Decrypting a File
- 17.4. Cleaning Up Cryptography Information
- 17.5. Verifying That a String Remains Uncorrupted Following Transmission
- 17.6. Storing Data Securely
- 17.7. Making a Security Assert Safe
- 17.8. Verifying That an Assembly Has Been Granted Specific Permissions
- 17.9. Minimizing the Attack Surface of an Assembly
- 17.10. Obtaining Security/Audit Information
- 17.11. Granting/Revoking Access to a File or Registry Key
- 17.12. Protecting String Data with Secure Strings
- 17.13. Securing Stream Data
- 17.14. Encrypting web.config Information
- 17.15. Obtaining the Full Reason a SecurityException Was Thrown
- 17.16. Achieving Secure Unicode Encoding
- 17.17. Obtaining a Safer File Handle
18. Threading and Synchronization
- 18.0. Introduction
- 18.1. Creating Per-Thread Static Fields
- 18.2. Providing Thread-Safe Access to Class Members
- 18.3. Preventing Silent Thread Termination
- 18.4. Being Notified of the Completion of an Asynchronous Delegate
- 18.5. Storing Thread-Specific Data Privately
- 18.6. Granting Multiple Access to Resources with a Semaphore
- 18.7. Synchronizing Multiple Processes with the Mutex
- 18.8. Using Events to Make Threads Cooperate
- 18.9. Get the Naming Rights for Your Events
- 18.10. Performing Atomic Operations Among Threads
- 18.11. Optimizing Read-Mostly Access
19. Toolbox
- 19.0. Introduction
- 19.1. Dealing with Operating System Shutdown, Power Management, or User Session Changes
- 19.2. Controlling a Service
- 19.3. List What Processes an Assembly Is Loaded In
- 19.4. Using Message Queues on a Local Workstation
- 19.5. Finding the Path to the Current Framework Version
- 19.6. Determining the Versions of an Assembly That Are Registered in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC)
- 19.7. Capturing Output from the Standard Output Stream
- 19.8. Running Code in Its Own AppDomain
- 19.9. Determining the Operating System and Service Pack Version of the Current Operating System
20. Numbers and Enumerations
- 20.0. Introduction
- 20.1. Converting Between Degrees and Radians
- 20.2. Using the Bitwise Complement Operator with Various Data Types
- 20.3. Converting a Number in Another Base to Base10
- 20.4. Determining Whether a String Is a Valid Number
- 20.5. Rounding a Floating-Point Value
- 20.6. Choosing a Rounding Algorithm
- 20.7. Converting Between Temperature Scales
- 20.8. Safely Performing a Narrowing Numeric Cast
- 20.9. Displaying an Enumeration Value as a String
- 20.10. Converting Plain Text to an Equivalent Enumeration Value
- 20.11. Testing for a Valid Enumeration Value
- 20.12. Testing for a Valid Enumeration of Flags
- 20.13. Using Enumerated Members in a Bit Mask
- 20.14. Determining Whether One or More Enumeration Flags Are Set
- 20.15. Determining the Integral Part of a Decimal or Double
- About the Authors
- Colophon
- SPECIAL OFFER: Upgrade this ebook with O’Reilly
Product information
- Title: C# 3.0 Cookbook, 3rd Edition
- Author(s):
- Release date: December 2007
- Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
- ISBN: 9780596554804
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