16.1. Writing a TCP Server


You need to create a server that listens on a port for incoming requests from a TCP client. These client requests can then be processed at the server, and any responses can be sent back to the client. Recipe 16.2 shows how to write a TCP client to interact with this server.


Use the MyTcpServer class created here to listen on a TCP-based endpoint for requests arriving on a given port:

	class MyTcpServer
	    #region Private Members 
	    private TcpListener _listener;
	    private IP Address _address; 
	    private int _port;
	    private bool _listening;   
	    private object _syncRoot = new object();

	    #region CTORs

	    public MyTcpServer(IPAddress address, int port)
	        _port = port;
	        _address = address;
	    #endregion // CTORs

The TCPServer class has two properties:

  • Address, an IPAddress

  • Port, an int

These return the current address and port on which the server is listening and the listening state:

	#region Properties
	public IPAddress Address
	    get { return _address; }

	public int Port
	    get { return _port; }

	public bool Listening
	    get { return _listening; }

The Listen method tells the MyTcpServer class to start listening on the specified address and port combination. You create and start a TcpListener, and then call its AcceptTcpClient method to wait for a client request to arrive. Once the client connects, a request is sent to the thread pool to service the client and that runs the ProcessClient method.

The listener shuts down after serving the client:

 #region ...

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