20.14. Determining Whether One or More Enumeration Flags Are Set
You need to determine if a variable of an enumeration type, consisting of bit flags, contains one or more specific flags. For example, given the following enumeration Language
[Flags] enum Language { CSharp = 0x0001, VBNET = 0x0002, VB6 = 0x0004, Cpp = 0x0008 }
determine, using Boolean logic, if the variable lang
in the following line of code contains a language such as Language.CSharp
and/or Language.Cpp:
Language lang = Language.CSharp | Language.VBNET;
To determine if a variable contains a single bit flag that is set, use the following conditional:
if((lang & Language.CSharp) == Language.CSharp) { // Lang contains at least Language.CSharp. }
To determine if a variable exclusively contains a single bit flag that is set, use the following conditional:
if(lang == Language.CSharp) { // lang contains only the Language.CSharp }
To determine if a variable contains a set of bit flags that are all set, use the following conditional:
if((lang & (Language.CSharp | Language.VBNET)) == (Language.CSharp | Language.VBNET)) { // lang contains at least Language.CSharp and Language.VBNET. }
To determine if a variable exclusively contains a set of bit flags that are all set, use the following conditional:
if((lang | (Language.CSharp | Language.VBNET)) == (Language.CSharp | Language.VBNET)) { // lang contains only the Language.CSharp and Language.VBNET. }
When enumerations are used as bit flags and are marked with ...
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