Chapter 2
Building Web Applications
Building ASP.NET with Visual Studio
Making use of stylesheets
Working with ASP.NET MVC
There is a lot to web development. However, it has gotten easier over the years. At one time, you might need to know upwards of seven languages: SQL, VBScript, XML, Visual Basic, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You might have even needed to know C++, which was once required. Fortunately, today you can do much of the required programming using just one language, C#.
With Visual Studio in the mix, things are a little easier than they once were. You have two considerations when you choose Visual Studio to be your tool of choice to build a web application. The first is the tool itself. The second is the way you are going to use the tool, or your methodology.
If you’ve been working with the samples in this book, working in Visual Studio will feel very familiar. There is a Design View for the user interface. The Code Editor works just like the Code Editor in all the other environments. The only caveat is the unusual file types that you’ll see occasionally in web applications. You’ll get used to those.
The methodology debate — that is, which methodology ...
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