Chapter 4

Building Directories and Contents


check Creating and deleting directories

check Getting the contents of a directory

check Copying and moving, and why they are related

check Moving and renaming files and why they are similar

Native C++ versions before version 17 provide no functions for creating directories and getting the contents of a directory. (C++ 17 and above provides access to the filesystem library, but it isn’t implemented in most compilers yet.)You need to know two points about this situation:

  • There really is a good reason for this lack. C++ is a general-purpose language. Issues that deal with directories are specific to individual operating systems. Thus it doesn’t make sense to include such features in C++.
  • Some brave rebels have added some functions — and these functions exist in most C++ implementations. These additions are important; otherwise, you’d have to call in to the operating system to create or modify a directory.

C++ has a holdover from the C programming language in the header file stdio.h that includes functions for renaming and removing files and directories. ...

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