Chapter 4

Investigating Boost


check Considering what Boost can do for you

check Getting, installing, and building Boost

check Working with the various Boost tools

check Integrating and using the Boost documentation

check Creating your first application using Boost

As your skill with C++ improves, you find that you need additional functionality that doesn’t come with the Standard Library. For example, the simple act of checking a string for specific character sequences (such as a telephone number pattern) can prove difficult. You can do it, but most developers will think that someone else has certainly crossed this bridge before. The answer to the question of where to find the additional code you need is third-party libraries. One of the most popular C++ libraries is Boost, which is the topic of this chapter and the next.

Two book chapters can’t serve as a complete reference to an entire library — especially not a set of libraries the size of Boost. This particular chapter (Chapter 4) has a set ...

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