attributes? unsafe? access-modifier? new? interface interface-name [ : base-interface+ ]? { interface-members }
An interface is similar to a class, but with the following major differences:
An interface provides a specification rather than an implementation for its members. This is similar to a pure abstract class, which is an abstract class consisting of only abstract members.
A class and struct can implement multiple interfaces, while a class can inherit only from a single class.
A struct can implement an interface, but a struct cannot inherit from a class.
Earlier in this chapter, we defined polymorphism as the ability to perform the same operations on many types, as long as each type shares a common subset of characteristics. The purpose of an interface is precisely for defining such a set of characteristics.
An interface is comprised of a set of the following members:
These members are always implicitly public and implicitly abstract (and therefore virtual and nonstatic).
Defining an Interface
An interface declaration is like a class declaration, but it provides no implementation for its members, since all its members are implicitly abstract. These members are intended to be implemented by a class or struct that implements the interface. Here is a very simple interface that defines a single method:
public interface IDelete { void Delete(); }
Implementing an Interface
Classes or structs that implement an interface may be said to “fulfill the contract ...
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