


This class defines methods of string comparison that follow culture-specific rules. The CultureInfo.CompareInfo property contains an instance of this class. The Compare() method and other string searching methods, such as IndexOf() and IsPrefix(), can be passed a set of CompareOptions, which provide culture specific flags related to strings. The GetCompareInfo() method is used instead of a public constructor to retrieve an instance of this class.

public class CompareInfo : System.Runtime.Serialization.IDeserializationCallback {
// Public Instance Properties
   public field int LCID{get; } 
// Public Static Methods
   public static method CompareInfo GetCompareInfo(
        int culture);  
   public static method CompareInfo GetCompareInfo(
        int culture, System.Reflection.Assembly assembly);  
   public static method CompareInfo GetCompareInfo(
        string name);  
   public static method CompareInfo GetCompareInfo(
        string name, System.Reflection.Assembly assembly);  
// Public Instance Methods
   public virtual method int Compare(string string1, 
        int offset1, int length1, string string2, 
        int offset2, int length2);  
   public virtual method int Compare(string string1, 
        int offset1, int length1, string string2, 
        int offset2, int length2, CompareOptions options);  
   public virtual method int Compare(string string1, 
        int offset1, string string2, int offset2);  
   public virtual method int Compare(string string1, 
        int offset1, string string2, int offset2, 
        CompareOptions options);  
   public virtual method int Compare

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