Chapter 11

  1. The initialization should include a '/0'. Also, pre-ANSI implementations don't allow you to initialize automatic arrays.

  2. See you at the snack bar.
    ee you at the snack bar.
    See you
    e you
  3. y
  4. I read part of it all the way through.

    1. Ho Ho Ho!!oH oH oH

    2. pointer-to-char, that is, char *.

    3. The address of the initial H.

    4. *--pc means to decrement the pointer by 1 and use the value found there. --*pc means to take the value pointed to by pc and decrement that value by 1 (for example, H becomes G).

    5. Ho Ho Ho!!oH oH o


      A null character comes between ! and !, but it produces no printing effect.

    6. while(*pc). Check to see that pc does not point to a null character (that is, to the end of the string). The expression uses the value at the ...

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