© Will Briggs 2021
W. BriggsC++20 for Lazy Programmershttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6306-8_6

6. Algorithms and the Development Process

Will Briggs1  
Lynchburg, VA, USA

Let’s step back from the details of C++ and think about something in the big picture: specifically, the need for thinking about the big picture. In the rest of life, doesn’t planning help? You wouldn’t build a house, or cook a meal, without a plan. (Heating soup in the microwave doesn’t count.)

In programming, the plan is called an algorithm: a sequence of steps, to be executed in order, that leads to a goal.

Adventures in robotic cooking

Imagine if we can get our computer to make biscuits (the fluffy kind – like scones, but not sweet). A computer can follow instructions, but ...

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