Absolute value function, 19, 400
Acceleration, 110
average, 254
instantaneous, 254
Accumulated change, 357
calculating, 380
Addition law, 39
Aerobic rate, 289
Agnesi, M.G., 264
Algebraic equations, 141
Amplitude, 31
Ant biodiversity, 186–187. See also Derivatives as functions
Antiderivatives, 396
of acceleration, 353
for cos(ax), 350
definition, 348
evaluation theorem and, 379–380
general forms of, 349
initial value problem, 350–351
rules, 350
with slope fields, 353
stooping behavior of peregrine falcons, 354–355
of velocity, 353
Antidifferentiation, 348
Archimedes, 357
Arctic fin whale, sustainable exploitation of, 302–303
exact, under x2 on the interval [0, 1], 364–365
finding, 347
mortality rates due to plague, 360–362
for nonnegative continuous function, 369
of various rates associated with disease, 360
Arithmetic, functional, 62
mean, 540
sequence, 87
vertical, 279
Asymptotes and infinity
difference of infinities, 148
horizontal asymptotes, 145–148
infinite limits at infinity, 151–153
informal definition, 149
overview, 144
unabated population growth, 153
Autonomous differential equation, 432, 476
first-order, 485
Autonomous models, 468
Average, 540
acceleration, ...
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