Chapter 3: Working with Exposure

Photographers talk a lot about getting good exposures. Next to image content, exposure is at the top of the list of things you have to get right. With the 5D Mark III, you have the technical and creative control you need to get exposures right — in the camera.

This chapter concentrates on exposure, and it takes a workflow- oriented approach, first discussing the in-camera goals for exposures and then detailing exposure modes, using the camera’s onboard metering system, and modifying exposures when necessary. In addition, the new Multiple exposure and High-dynamic range (HDR) modes are discussed. The chapter concludes with a look at the 5D Mark III’s drive modes.


Regardless of the light, the 5D Mark III offers full control to get excellent exposures. In this image, the camera maintained excellent highlight detail while leaving shadows open showing good detail in the bee and in the dark center of the sunflower. Exposure: ISO 100, f/4.5, 1/640 second using –1 1/3-stop of exposure compensation.

Setting Exposure Objectives

As a photographer, my goal is to get the exposure right in the camera with every shot. I emphasize this because I hear many photographers who look at their images on the LCD and say, “I’ll fix it in Photoshop.” Sure, many photos can be polished with image editing, but seasoned photographers know that no amount of Photoshop editing ...

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