Chapter 5: Getting Great Color
Regardless of the type of light in the scene, the 5D Mark III offers a wealth of settings to ensure that your images have beautiful color. The more faithful you are in setting the white balance and Picture Style for JPEG shooting, the less time you’ll spend correcting color in post-production, and the more efficient your workflow will be.
And with Picture Styles, you have wide latitude to modify one of the supplied styles, create your own style, or use the supplied Picture Style Editor to create a style on the computer and upload it to the 5D Mark III. In this chapter, you learn when and how to use each of the options to get the best color, to optimize your workflow, and to fine-tune color for any type of light.
Regardless of the type of light in the scene, you can get stunning color by using the controls that the 5D Mark III provides, including the white balance settings and Picture Styles. Here I used the Cloudy white balance setting and the Neutral Picture Style. Exposure: ISO 400, f/2.8, 1/250 second.
Working with Color
One of the best ways to keep your workflow efficient is to get the image color right in the camera. This applies especially to JPEG capture, but it also applies to RAW capture as well. Three settings on the 5D Mark III affect the range of colors captured and the color rendering: color space, white balance, and Picture Style. ...