Appendix A: Shooting Checklist
One of the most common comments that I get from readers and people who take my photography courses is that there is so much to remember when shooting. Inevitably, they forget to set the AF point or white balance, to set or remove exposure compensation, or adjust the ISO setting when they’re shooting. Over time, checking these things becomes second nature, but remembering everything can be a challenge at first.
To help you remember what to think about and what to set on the camera, I’ve provided a general shooting checklist. Each subject and scene is different, so you’ll need to modify the list to suit your shooting situation. This list assumes that you are using a semiautomatic exposure mode, such as Program AE ( ), Shutter-priority AE ( ), Aperture-priority AE ( ), or Manual mode ( ). Of course, in the automatic modes, you can set fewer options.
Before you begin shooting, do the following:
• Choose an interesting subject. Make sure that what you’re shooting is interesting and intriguing. Even if you choose everyday subjects, you can use your creativity ...