Picture Playback

In This Chapter

arrow Exploring playback functions

arrow Deciphering the playback displays

arrow Deleting, protecting, and rating photos and movies

arrow Connecting your camera to a TV for big-screen playback

Without question, one of the best things about digital photography is being able to view pictures right after you shoot them. No more guessing whether you got the shot you want or need to try again; no more wasting money on developing and printing pictures that stink. But seeing your pictures is just the start of the things you can do when you switch your camera to playback mode. You also can review the settings you used to take the picture, display graphics that alert you to exposure problems, and add file markers that protect the picture from accidental erasure. This chapter tells you how to use all these playback features and more.

remember_4c.eps Many features discussed in this chapter apply ...

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