Manipulating Focus and Color

In This Chapter

arrow Controlling the camera’s focusing performance

arrow Sorting through autofocusing options

arrow Understanding focal length and depth of field

arrow Exploring white balance and Picture Styles

To many people, the word focus has just one interpretation when applied to a photograph: Either the subject is in focus or it’s blurry. But an artful photographer knows that there’s more to focus than simply getting a sharp image of a subject. You also need to consider depth of field, or the distance over which focus appears acceptably sharp. This chapter explains all the ways to control depth of field and also discusses how to use your Rebel’s advanced autofocus options.

In addition, this chapter dives into the topic of color, explaining White Balance, a feature that compensates for the varying color casts created by different light sources, and Picture Styles, which affect image sharpness and contrast as well as color.

Reviewing Focus Basics

Chapters 1, 3, and ...

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