Appendix B: Rules of Composition
By this time, I hope you’ve gained a better understanding about the creative possibilities of lighting in general and Canon Speedlites in particular. Ideally, you’ve been inspired and learned how to begin lighting your subjects and scenes in new and more visually interesting ways. Keep in mind that great lighting is only part of the picture; you also need an understanding of the conventions and rules governing composition. Granted, when it comes to matters of creativity, “rules” can be hard to quantify. Just call them visual guidelines to keep in mind as you create images and edit your work.
At first, applying these concepts might seem strange and uncomfortable, like holding your camera in a different way or composing scenes through a new lens, and you may struggle a bit. Understand that these are the foundations on which your best shots will be built, and that a conscious working knowledge of them is essential to creating more dynamic and compelling images. Ultimately, these practices will become more innate sensibilities than rote memorization, occurring naturally and almost subconsciously while you work.
Consider these concepts as tools and techniques you can call on when a situation or location is not working or has been exhausted photographically. Mentally going through the list of ideas presented in this appendix can often yield new ways of looking at camera angles, lens choices, and perspective. After all, you should always be on the lookout ...