17Confidence Is a Negotiation Skill

Have you ever been to a party, in a meeting, or some other social event, and someone walks into the room and immediately commands the attention of everyone in the room?

I know you've seen it in movies. I know you've seen it at work. But have you ever wondered what those people have that you don't?

The answer is probably confidence. Or otherworldly good looks. But that is a conversation for another day.

I always wanted to be the lady at the grocery store, you know the one, who is perfectly put together, coiffed hair, great outfit, freshly manicured nails, high heels, and a designer purse. She seems confident, in charge. She knows what she is there for and everyone from the kid at the deli to the gal at the pharmacy treats her with respect. But when I run to the grocery story, I am typically in day-old hair, potentially a pair of pajamas under my sweatshirt, and praying to God I don't run into anyone I know as I grab toilet paper, milk, and coffee creamer before I slink out the door.

Confidence comes from feeling good about yourself. How you look, how you dress, how you walk, talk, and capture the attention of others. The more you do it, the better you are at it, the more people relate, listen, and respect you.

Imagine being a manager, in charge of a team of people, and those people regularly come to you for advice, guidance, and direction for something they are struggling with in their jobs.

If you listen to their problems, offer support and ...

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