Pay-As-You-Wish Restaurants*
Free Lunches Finally!
Balconies are great!
Fresh air, open sky, inside-yet-outside cosiness, space to stretch one’s legs or to hop over imaginary pixies, and some silence. They are also so much better than the idiot box that idiots watch. So much more entertaining, more real than all the reality shows put together and full of variety.
You can watch wildlife when a crow from the antennae pole stares menacingly at you. You can enjoy a gourmet show when the saas and the bahu wrestle in the kitchen on the second floor. There’s WWF for free with all the ‘you-banged-my-car-first’ brawls on the street. Not to forget all the spine-chilling action as utensils fly like UFOs in all directions when the wife on the third floor ...
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