36 CCF-to-J2C Architecture Migration
If you do not retain the generation style, you may run into compilation
errors and will have to modify the application client code to use the new
method names.
WebSphere Studio Style: Choose this option if you want to change the
generation style from the VisualAge for Java styles to WebSphere Studio
style. This option provides better maintainability to the J2CA application.
On the other hand, choosing this option means that you have to fix the
application client code to use these new method names.
Also specify whether you want the getOutput / setInput methods to be
generated in the service proxies.
7. Click Next. Optionally, specify the JNDI Lookup Name to be generated into
the migrated WSDL file as shown in Figure 3-7. This enables the migrated
artifacts to be used in a managed environment and avoids hard-coding of the
configuration details (including server name and connection URL) in the
WDSL metadata.
Figure 3-7 Specify the JNDI Lookup Name
Attention: The setInput and getOutput methods are deprecated and
should be removed from the application client as early as possible in the
migration cycle. This option is provided only for compatibility purposes.
Chapter 3. Automated migration using CCF Migration Assistant 37
Note that CMA generates a single JNDI lookup name in all of the WSDL
service files. If this is not desirable, then you should either group the CCF
artifacts by server name (or transaction name) into different JAR files or
manually edit the JNDI names in the WSDL file later.
8. Click Finish. Data beans, WSDL files, and service proxies are generated as
shown in Figure 3-8. The errors that you see in the figure are because the
portNumber and dataStoreName of the port in the WSDL file are not filled in.
You have to update these values manually.
Figure 3-8 Packages generated by CMA
38 CCF-to-J2C Architecture Migration
Error reporting and logging of CMA
In case of any error during the migration, a dialog box opens, detailing the error
along with the error code. Consult the CMA online help for possible causes of
some commonly occurring errors. For example, when we tried to migrate the
above IMS application before importing the CICS ECI connector (the CICS ECI
connector was needed as our application had CCF Record beans that were not
associated with a CCF Command), we saw the message shown in Figure 3-9.
Additional information about the error can be found in the log file. The amount of
captured log information depends on the current trace log setting. Refer to the
CMA online documentation for details on Trace Log.
Figure 3-9 Error dialog box

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